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1. Set Up

In our test we used the version v2.7.0

1.1 Core-host Configurations

sudo sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1
sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT

1.2 Clone docker_open5gs

git clone
git checkout v2.7.0

1.3 Changing Core Settings

git clone
cd Interoperabilidade/core-networks/OPEN5GS
cp sa-deploy.yaml /path/to/docker_open5gs/.
cp .env /path/to/docker_open5gs/. 

cp -r smf/ /path/to/docker_open5gs/ #here you need to modify your dnn 
cp -r upf/ /path/to/docker_open5gs/ #same thing as above

2.0 Deploying the Core Network

  • To start the core
    cd path-to/docker_open5gs
    docker compose -f sa-deploy.yaml up -d
  • To stop the core
    docker compose down 

3.1 Adding UE to Core Database

To set up your UEs you'll need to go to the open5gs webpage on your machine. You should see a login screen when accessing http://:3000. The credentials are admin and the password is 1423.

4.0 More Information

Open5GS - Docker Open5GS - Documentation Open5GS - Github Page srsRAN - Docker; Gradiant - Open5gs in k8s.