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1. Set Up

In our test we used the version v3.3.0.

1.1 Core-host Configurations

sudo sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1
sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT

1.2 Clone free5gc-compose

git clone
git checkout v3.3.0
git submodule update --init --recursive

1.3 Changing Core Settings

git clone
cd Interoperabilidade/core-networks/free5gc/core-networks/FREE5GC
cp -r config path/to/free5gc-compose 

1.4 gNB-host Configurations

You also must configure a route to the internal docker network so that the gNB can make a connection.

sudo ip route add via {ip_addr_corehost} dev {interface}

sudo ip route add via dev br01

2.0 Installing GTP-U Kernel Module

git clone && cd gtp5g
make clean && make
sudo make install

3.0 Deploying the Core Network

  • To start the core
    cd path-to/free5gc-compose
    docker compose up -d
  • To stop the core
    docker compose down 

3.1 Adding UE to Core Database

To set up your UEs you'll need to go to the free5gc webpage on your machine. You should see a login screen when accessing http://:3000. The credentials are admin and the password is free5gc.

4.0 More Information

Free5GC - Github Page Free5GC - Compose Free5GC - Forum